Monday, March 22, 2010

Glandular Problems Symptoms

Bib Overalls

The overalls are pants with a bib front which engage two straps attached to the center back. In America they call Bib Overalls those made with denim fabric and stitched with wire ocher, associated with the image of workers, agricultural workers and train drivers during the economic recession (Henry Fonda in the film Furore unforgettable novel by John Steinbeck) .

sixties hippies were adopted by Americans and their popularity among young people arrived in Italy during the seventies.
Cutting diagram:
front trouser pants back

bib front pocket and flap back pockets and accessories

price pattern for women: 10 € go
purchase price of the pattern for men: 10 € go buy

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Is The Best Absorbed Oil

Hubert de Givenchy was a French fashion designer born in 1927, the refined combination of simplicity and rigor has left a mark in fashion history. His taste was very dedicated choice of details, from fabrics to accessories. Givenchy made its debut in 1952 at the age of 25 years but was in the following year that his career segnò una svolta, grazie all’incontro con Audrey Hepburn che diventò la sua musa ispiratrice. Infatti la freschezza ed innata eleganza della giovane attrice fecero di lei l’ambasciatrice di uno stile sobrio e senza tempo che continua ad affascinare milioni di giovani donne. Restano delle pietre miliari nella storia della moda gli abiti creti per lei per il film Sabrina ((1954), specialmente questo, la cui scollatura ha dato il nome ad un dettaglio di moda destinato a sopravvivere, cioè la "scollatura alla Sabrina", a barca sul davanti e profondamente a punta nella parte posteriore.

Prezzo del cartamodello: 30 euro vai all'acquisto

Friday, March 5, 2010

Inurl: Live View/= Axis

Sabrina Shirt with davantino

This shirt is meant to be worn under clothing such as formal evening dress, morning suit or tuxedo. He's neck piping which can be attached several packages (included in pattern). If made of striped fabric (cut and longer) can be a comfortable nightgown, if carried out in flannel shirt may be a campaign.

price pattern: 10 € go buy

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Small Bumps On Chest Herpes


This handy shirt can be used in many ways and on several occasions. You can sew with long or short sleeves or be sleeveless, can have the straight edge o stondato e diverse altezze. Da usare come camicia da notte, copricostume, camicia o abito lungo.

Prezzo del cartamodello: 10 euro vai all'acquisto