(photo: Deputy Ricardo Merlo, Dr. Fernanda Gallo Committees Secretaia of Bs As, Director Balestretti, Sangregorio.)
and these are the questions:
is complicated, from the standpoint of political and economic, especially in Italy has an external debt of 115% of PB with a vacancy between 8 and 9%, with a fiscal deficit of 5% and politically is more complicated, Berlusconi governs Italy and unfortunately evil Italians abroad has taken the 0% was spent on culture and care, we denounce this and try to reverse this situation.
We have presented in the legislature aproximadamente 15 proyectos de ley, buena tarea de control, pero lamentablemente el gobierno de Berlusconi congelo todo lo que había para el exterior, ni nuestro ni de Berlusconi mismo, hasta hoy ningún proyecto de ley presentado en la legislatura en el exterior ha sido aprobado, porque creemos nosotros ? Porque tenemos que unirnos, tenemos que dejar de ir a Italia, como un peón en un ajedrez, para decir lo que nos dicen los partidos políticos italianos, por eso nosotros creamos el MAIO (partido político independiente) que queremos unir a todos los legisladores del exterior para poder hacer fuerza y lograr cosas por los italianos que viven en el exterior, lamentablemente hicimos un muy buen control, los proyectos de ley no han sido aprobados y lamentablemente sobre todo por la política de Silvio Berlusconi, nos tiene postergados y cajoneados proyectos como la pensión social que hemos presentado para que se termine la discriminación de la mujer, en lo que es la transmisión de la ciudadanía; proyectos que no le cuesta ni un euro al gobierno italiano, cajoneado, el proyecto marco polo para dar más becas a los jóvenes italianos en el exterior, cajoneados, se tienen que responsabilizar; hagamos fuerza para realizar cambios en realidad, si Berlusconi cambia y hace una política que beneficia a los italianos en el exterior, nosotros vamos hacer los primeros en apoyarlos, no es que estamos en contra de él, por una cuestión ideológico nosotros estamos en contra it because we have drawers.
SPOKEN OF ELECTIONS IN ITALY, support some parts, they shall join?
We do not support, we will go independent, so if we have a vocation to make alliances to get things, but would be isolated, we will not support any political party, we have a very good relationship with some but we want to try to get some choice in the independent foreign executive can go to Italy to participate in the decision because so far as it goes it does not work, so we created the MAIO why we are doing everything possible to change this history or whether the MAIO would like an independent political force. Today we are the eighth political party in Italy and want to grow in order to have strength to fight for policies on all of Italians abroad, who are now drawers by Silvio Berlusconi.
The relationship between Italy and Argentina, it is important to know, depend on the states, we will try to hold meetings, sitting at a table of authorities in Italy and Argentina pear as the head of Argentina and Italy do not want to sit down and discuss actions to improve the relationship between the two countries will be very difficult today, two people dependent Cristina Kirchner and Silvio Berlusconi, and we do our best but they should make a political agenda.
north south do not discriminate, in fact we have had from all regions want Italy Italy has no policy to discriminate, I was born in Argentina of Italian parents, do not make that north-south division, when we choose 1000 scholarships to study Italian language, when we get the social work for the Italians in Argentina, we believe it is 1, raise Italy North-South division and will make northern policy is absurd, we are in opposition of Umberto Bossi, something primitive and obsolete.
(Committees Bs As 08/17/1910 at 19.30)