I blue jeans, lanciati da Jacob Davis e Levi Strauss, sono il capo di abbigliamento che maggiormente identificano la società American. Denim, the fabric used to manufacture jeans, actually comes from Genoa (it is likely that the word jeans comes from the bad pronunciation of his name) and it has been reported since the Middle Ages. However, his fame began in America in the nineteenth century, when it was adopted to manufacture the trousers for gold diggers. The word jeans became more so not to identify a specific tissue but rather an article of clothing. In 1873 in San Francisco, Levi Strauss and his partner David Jacob Youphes launched a pair of pants with five pockets to become an icon of fashion for centuries to come, then be adopted by the young protesters of the sixties and seventies that the yuppies degli anni ottanta (insieme al formale blazer blu scuro).

Cartamodello del giubotto maschile: 20 euro vai all'acquisto
Cartamodello del completo femminile gonna+giubotto: 30 euro vai all'acquisto
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