On Thursday April 29, between 15 and 17 pm in the Reading Room "Dr. Arturo Illia "of the Senate of the Nation, on Calle Hipólito Yrigoyen No. 1849 of the CABA, held a Day of Reflection on Disability organized by INCLUDE Civic Association, who had the support of various organizations, including that have ZOE (achondroplasia), ACIS (Civil Association for Social Integration), CILSA (NGO Inclusion), APPA (Association postpolio Polio Argentina) and FAIC (Argentina Federation of Institutions for blind and partially sighted).
were present national and provincial authorities, as Dr. Matilde Morales, Executive Director of the National Council for Social Policy, Ms. Raquel Tiramonti, President of the National Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS ), Mr. Carlos JORDAN, Coordinator of Disabilities and Vulnerable Groups, Ministry of Labour of the Nation, Dr. Monica BIANCHI, Area Coordinator, Disability Forum Foreign Minister's Office, Mrs. Gladys LATCH, President Disability Provincial Council of the Province de Bs. As. y el Sr. Horacio FERRER, Director de Discapacidad de la Municipalidad de Avellaneda. No habiendo podido estar presente, por razones de salud, la Senadora Nacional por Misiones (FPV) Maria Elida VIGO, auspiciante de la Jornada.
También concurrieron a brindar su apoyo el Lic. Ricardo PERRETA, vicepresidente de APES (Asociación del Personal Superior del Congreso de la Nación); el Sr. Daniel RAMOS, a cargo de la Comisión de Discapacidad del Personal de la AFIP; la Dra. Silvia GOÑI, Secretaria Nacional del PJ Digital; el Sr. Luís PAZ por CILSA; la Sra. Mónica CARVALLO vicepresidenta de A.P.P.A.; Directivos de la Escuela Especial Nº 508 de Avellaneda; Mr. Claudio King, the program "Integrating TV", Dr. Miguel Angel Di Grazia Scientific Journalist and President of NGOs and representatives of other civil society entities, committed to addressing the problems of people with disabilities and the general public. This was also the young Alexander, guitarist of the group that participated in "World Wing", who works in the National Senate.
took the floor to Dr. Matilde Morales and Ms. Raquel Tiramonti, highlighting the importance of the activity organized and conveyed the support to the Minister of Development Social de la Nación, Dra. Alicia KRICHNER brindaba a tal iniciativa.
Por INCLUIR Asociación Civil intervinieron su Presidente Sr. Humberto SOTTILE y el Tesorero de la misma, Sr. Horacio BUCCICARDI, quienes abundaron en el mismo sentido, dando la bienvenida al Dr. Julio Wilfredo GUZMAN JARA, actual Presidente de la Organización Mundial de Personas con Discapacidad (OMPD), quien visita nuestro país a fin de afianzar los vínculos y consensuar actividades, con las entidades representativas de las personas con discapacidad locales.
El Dr. Guzmán Jara realizó una extensa exposición, en la cual trazó una semblanza histórica de la temática of disability, their various modes of approach and stressed the importance of representative organizations join forces, rather than squander in individual stocks. (in footnote followed: to bequeath a better world expands some comments of importance)
also made an emotional tribute to the militant Peronist Front Wounded victims of the repression of the military dictatorship, platelets giving reminders to survivors and relatives of the members of this organization. Among those who had Ms. Buscarita ROA, mother of missing activist José POBLETE.
REINGEL Gilberto received these platelets, arrested in the "Olympus", John Augustine GUILLEN, also detained and tortured in clandestine centers and family said Alejandro Alonso, who had hidden political persecution during the Process.
During the seventies, was the "Wounded Peronist Front" who became head of the claims in this sector, achieving the 1974 labor law for disabled people more important in Latin America and an example for if everyone is working conquests. Evidenced by the fact that the dictatorship with little regard the repeal in 1981, these partners pagaron hasta con su vida el derecho al trabajo y a la dignidad.
El caso de José POBLETE, marcó un hito en la Historia Argentina, porque fue el caso testigo por el cual se derogan las leyes de Punto Final y Obediencia Debida.
Dicho evento fue transmitido en directo por “SENADO TV”.
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