«In alcune regioni del mondo non è possibile professare ed esprimere liberamente la propria fede religiosa, se non a rischio della vita e della libertà personale. In altre regioni vi sono forme più silenziose e sofisticate di pregiudizio e di opposizione verso i credenti e i simboli religiosi. I cristiani sono attualmente il gruppo religioso che soffre il maggior numero di persecuzioni a motivo della propria fede». Così esordisce Benedetto XVI nel messaggio per la Giornata mondiale per la pace (1° gennaio 2011), che quest’anno ha per tema “Libertà religiosa, via per la pace” . Un richiamo che si pone dopo un anno, sottolinea il Papa, «segnato dalla persecuzione, dalla discriminazione, da terribili atti di violenza e d’intolleranza religiosa»: tra gli altri nel messaggio menziona gli attacchi a Baghdad (Iraq) contro la cattedrale siro-cattolica e contro i cristiani nelle loro case, gli atti di violenza e intolleranza “in Asia, in Africa, nel Medio Oriente e specialmente in Terra Santa”.
arbitrarily deny or restrict religious freedom and to obscure the public role of religion, according to Benedict XVI, wants to cultivate a partial view of the human person, to make impossible the establishment of a true and lasting peace, for " the human being is not "something" but is "someone" has a natural vocation to be realized in relation with others and with God , "and" the transcendent dignity of the person is a core value of the Judeo-Christian wisdom but also shared by the great civilizations and religions of the world because, thanks to reason, is accessible to all. " "The illusion found in the moral relativism of the key to a peaceful coexistence - the Pope says - is actually the source of division and negation of the dignity of human beings. " Benedict XVI quoted his speech to the UN General Assembly in 2008: it is inconceivable that believers "should have to suppress a part of themselves - their faith - to be active citizens should never be necessary to deny God in order to enjoy the his rights. "
The Pope's message also touches on the difficulties that religious freedom meets today in Iraq, the Middle East, in many countries of Africa and Asia; Benedict XVI sottolinea i pericoli della strumentalizzazione della libertà religiosa «per mascherare interessi occulti, come ad esempio il sovvertimento dell’ordine costituito, l’accaparramento di risorse o il mantenimento del potere da parte di un gruppo». Tutto ciò, aggiunge, «può provocare danni ingentissimi alle società» ed è contrario alla natura della religione. « La professione di una religione – prosegue – non può venire impiegata per fini che le sono estranei e nemmeno può essere imposta con la forza ». «La stessa determinazione con la quale sono condannate tutte le forme di fanatismo e di fondamentalismo religioso deve animare anche l’opposizione a tutte le forms of hostility against religion, which limit the role of believers in the civic and political life. " And "the legal system at all levels, national, regional and international level, if it allows or tolerates anti-religious or religious fanaticism, fails in his mission, which is to protect and to promote justice and the right of everyone."
A particular attraction comes from the Pope to the faithful, " called not only a responsible civic engagement, economic and political, but also with the testimony of their love and faith, to make a valuable contribution to the painstaking and exhilarating commitment to justice, and for integral human development for the right ordering of human affairs . First step in promoting religious freedom as a way to peace is the dialogue between civil and religious institutions, since "they are not competitors but interlocutors, because they are all in the service of integral human development and harmony of society '. Pope appeals to moral truth in politics and diplomacy, targeting in particular those in Western countries marked by hostility against religion to the "denial of history and religious symbols which reflect the identity and culture majority of citizens. "
Finally, an appeal to "interfaith dialogue" to cooperate "for the common good" and one to stop the abuses against Christians living in Asia, the Middle East and especially in the Holy Land, with the hope that even "the Christian West , especially in Europe, cease hostilities and prejudices against Christians because they wish to direct their lives in a manner consistent with the values \u200b\u200band principles expressed in the Gospel. Europe knows how to reconcile with its Christian roots, which are essential for understanding the role that he had, what has and will have in history, will thus experience justice, harmony and peace, to cultivate a sincere dialogue with the people not Christians. Some of them look with hope to the European continent and should be welcomed in a spirit of openness and brotherhood rooted in the Gospel according to the criteria of legality and security must be accompanied by respect for common human dignity "
http:/ / + www.avvenire.it/Chiesa/papa+ freedom religiosa_201012161147540670000.htm
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