After Sunami, telephone communications broke down, they followed through social networking, trying to communicate with their families, friends and the world can see what is happening and the experience suffered by the East Village, a global communication, live, live, from the facts that happen every second and showing as a people as a rule uses education, prevention, was able to avoid more casualties and achieve order without looting and respect for life human.
nuclear plants are in danger many of them have been affected and one of them is no loss of radiation, were taken to measure en los ciudadanos que estan cerca de ellas con la advertencia que en proximos dias podrian sufrir de algun sintoma como consecuencia de las mismas y debian reportarse. Esta circunstancia al pueblo no le recuerda Chernovil, sino Hiroshima y Nagasaki.
Condolencias de los pueblos;El mundo está unido por el dolor. el Papa Benedicto envia apoyo espiritual y consuelo por las victimas y sufrimiento del pueblo japones.
Desde nuestro blog nuestra condolencia a la familias que han perdido a un ser querido y el apoyo moral al valiente pueblo japones.
Si desean enviarnos correos electronicos los retransmitiremos- asociacion_italiana@hotmail.com
Here a few emails from foreigners living in Japan: (information daily Clarin)
In English, some of whom are reporting news from the scene are Christopher Padilla (@ padicr), a Chilean geologist is living in Japan, Akira Uchimura (@ akirau), a Chilean-Japanese working in the Nikkei Youth Network, and Hector Garcia English blogger (@ Kirai). Among the twitter
speaking in Japan are also popular ikusuki @ @ @ gferreres kirai, and @ @ ungatonipon jlori. @ Kirai account, for example, that "in the cafeterias are serving Tokyo warm soup instead of tea ", and that the earthquake alarm system in Tokyo is" half broken "so it is difficult to know" if they come further earthquakes. "
"Aftershocks are soft but do not stop. It is as if we were in a boat, "says @ gferreres, which quite often tweets. For those who want to follow what happens, you can watch Japan hashtags like #, # # prayforjapan and tsunami.
In Facebook there are several groups that bring Argentine, Chilean, Mexican and English, which is appealing to many people trying to find information about acquaintances that are in the country concerned.
On , Google enabled http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/ site to contact people in Japan. Another option to follow minute by minute what is happening there is to see Japanese TV streaming via Ustream.
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