Friday, January 7, 2011

Toddler Thirsty And Hungry


di Calogero Comparato

La sanità metafora della Sicilia.
Il disavanzo economico, la malasanità, la necessità di garantire anche i livelli occupazionali , le comprensibili resistenze di chi nel corso degli anni ha occupato nicchie ben remunerate, sono tutti elementi di rigidità del sistema che ne rallentano e talora ne impediscono il cambiamento.
E in momenti così difficili ancora più forte diventa la tentazione di indicare gli altri come i soli colpevoli, di chiedere a gran voce tagli dovunque tranne that in your garden, do demagoguery.
Pondering rigorous reasoning, how complex the overall health in Sicily, but calm.
always nurtured the hope is not the utopia of a regional health care effective, efficient, popular with citizens, proud of its professionals.
why there seems to be useful today to propose a pact between men of good will outside of ideological barriers, prejudices, affiliations and personal interests.

A pact between people who are interested in some principles that try to enunciate even if incompletely.
1) The health becomes, even before the Mafia, the central theme of the confrontation "political" and "social" regional.
Medicare would not only protect the precious gift of health, but also economic costs, which account for 60% of the regional budget and fewer resources for development. Nor should we forget that
health has at times been a field of exchange and "mess" and on some occasions broth culture of the catalyst of the offense and crooks, able to pollute the life of our region.

2) At the heart of the regional health system there are the interests of society as a whole, ie a good to high ethical .
professional groups (doctors, pharmacists, managers) are essential but not central, but too often we have seen only move for the defense of special interests, wearily repeated the myth that the center of the health system there is a citizen, too often we have seen more abuse than use health resources (use of improper performance, waste of drugs, fraud exemption from the ticket.) require efficient assistance but that assistance fund to dodge taxes.

3) The health is sustainable.
It 'certainly not sustainable una sanità che dilapida le risorse da destinare allo sviluppo cioè al futuro delle nuove generazioni.
Non è sostenibile un sanità regionale che preveda doppioni di U.O. nella stessa città e talora nella stessa Azienda, mentre altrove per le medesime patologie organizzano centri regionali o interegionali.
Non è sostenibile una Sanità che programmi 5 divisioni di cardiochirurgia, che è una specialità costosissima, nella stessa città nell’ambito di poche centinaia di metri.
Non è sostenibile una sanità che mantiene in vita U.O. sottoutilizzate o peggio ancora mal utilizzate, mentre i pazienti si affidano all’Alitalia per raggiungere paradisi sanitari più safe.
is not one that is creating sustainable health out of control, hundreds of UOsemplici often repetitive, sometimes without the minimum royalties which allow this operation to satisfy the recommendations of the moment.
is no longer a sustainable regional health system where the relationship between those who work behind desks and people working at the bedside is tilted in favor of the former.
has never seen a construction company with more architects, surveyors and accountants than craftsmen and laborers?

4) It enhances the meritocracy and excellence with an access policy and career progression only taking into account the capabilities in mind that the citizen is entitled to be treated by the best available operator ..
There is only one way to combat the scourge of poor health care: to promote at all levels, professionalism, competence, commitment.
In short, who knows and wants to reward, punish those who do not know and do not want to do and often allows others to do.
And by the way of excellence, in which clouds have lost the centers of excellence?

5) policy and all other powers that are expelled from the daily management of the health .
Health is stata terreno , di baratto e di alleanza tra i poteri forti(politica, potere economico, Università, potere giudiziario, massoneria).
Altrimenti come si spiega che il sistema concorsuale di accesso e di progressione delle carriere, noto a tutti per essere gravemente inquinato ed inquinante, non sia stato mai oggetto di inchieste serie ed approfondite?
La politica conservi solo il ruolo importantissimo di individuare modelli e strategie.

6) Si crei con urgenza un sistema di regole, controlli e sanzioni a tutti i livelli .
Chi controlla l’appropriatezza delle prestazioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche?
E certamente i costi economici and biological ones (not everyone knows that any radiological examination shortens life) it would sure benefit.
Who controls the quality of care?
Who controls the hard work of the operators?

7) The Health Agency is a real company.
You fail to complete the process of corporatization still imperfect for the sum of powers in the hands of the Director General is not balanced by equal accountability if not formal.
And accountability means bear in good and bad results of choices made.
Who ever remembered before the many casi di malasanità che i Direttori delle U.O. complesse ed i Capi Dipartimento vengono scelti su base fiduciaria dal Direttore Generale che perciò ne dovrebbe rispondere per primo sul piano della responsabilità?

8)Ci sia un forte “Governo Clinico”
La qualità dell’assistenza e l’economicità del sistema possono essere raggiunti solo attraverso un governo clinico che coinvolga la parte professionale nelle scelte che si operano sia a livello regionale che aziendale.

9) Ci sia una vera competitività tra pubblico e privato .
E per fare questo occorre creare un organismo indipendente evaluation.

10) You establish a relationship of absolute respect, trust and transparency between the patient and the physician that allows the first to be associated to the management of their disease .
Finally, a relationship between gentlemen.

To nurture the dream of changing the Sicilian Health Occor jettison the political alchemy, the obsessive search for the minutes and consent and instead take the risk.

Medical Director Dr. Calogero cardiologist
e-mail: @ calogero.comparato


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