Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jamies American Road Trip Stream

2010 "substances of abuse and young people: a liaison dangereuse.

EVENTO/A palazzo dei Normanni convegno sulle sostanze d'abuso

Il Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze e disturbi del comportamento, coordinato dalla prof. Carla Cannizzaro ha organizzato un evento scientifico-divulgativo su “Le sostanze d'abuso e i giovani: una liaison dangereuse”. Si รจ held Monday, December 13 at the Yellow Room of the Norman Palace at 9. At that day some of the leading experts in the international arena have addressed issues related to the phenomenon of drug addiction in terms of neurobiological, psychological, sociological, legal and anthropological, focusing on strategies for prevention and treatment. This event provided an opportunity for reflection and knowledge useful for all who feel committed to combating drug addiction and saw among others the participation of Dr. Peter Genovese Camelos , which explored the theme entitled "Fathers and Fathers of support and resources. "


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